Single-Crystal X-ray Diffraction

We run two modern single-crystal X-ray-diffractometers at our institute. These machines enable us to determine the structure of even large and low-diffracting structures containing weakly coordinating anions.

Responsible for single-crystal X-ray diffraction in our group is Dr. Burkhard Butschke.

In this environment, several computer programs have been developed to facilitate the handling of large and heavily disordered structures:

You would like to submit a SC-XRD or XRD sample? Visit the X-ray facility web site.




3-circle diffractometer with PHOTON III HPAD detector.


Single crystal (0.005 to 0.10 mm), unstable samples can be processed

Source / optics:

Mo IμS 3.0 microsource sealed tube with mirror optics

Cu IμS 3.0 microsource sealed tube with mirror optics

Sample preparation: 

Polarizing microscope (with camera), vacuum line, low-temperature mounting device


Crystal cooling (Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream 800 @ 80 - 400 K), centering microscope (camera), detector distance can be adjusted

Typical application:

Single crystal structure determination (small molecules and small proteins), routine, high angle and precision measurements. Absolute structure determination. High-resolution charge density measurements.

Bruker APEX II Quazar



3-circle diffractometer with CCD detector


Single crystal (0.05 to 0.30 mm), unstable samples can be processed

Source / optics:

Mo IμS microsource sealed tube with mirror optics

Sample preparation:

Polarizing microscope (with camera), vacuum line, low-temperature mounting device


Crystal cooling (Oxford Cryosystems Cryostream 800 @ 80 - 400 K), centering microscope (camera), detector distance can be adjusted

Typical application:

Single crystal structure determination (small molecules and small proteins), routine, high angle and precision measurements